ORTOLANG is a French research project which started up in 2012 and has benefited from a 7-year Investment for the Future programme (PIA). Since 2020, ORTOLANG has been made up of a renewed consortium of four laboratories: ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française), INIST (INstitut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique), LPL (Laboratoire Parole et Langage) and MODYCO (Modèles, Dynamique, Corpus). The four partners are long-existing CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) laboratories which can guarantee the long-term management and maintenance of the services provided.
The physical infrastructure was completely renewed in 2019 and is guaranteed until 2025. Additional funding through regional research programmes is currently being looked into to renew the complete physical architecture after 2025.
ORTOLANG also provides guarantees for long-term data preservation. Firstly, all the techniques used are open source and well documented to facilitate the future transfer of resources. Secondly, from the human standpoint, the development of computing power and ORTOLANG’s integration into the Université de Lorraine means technical solutions for the future can also be envisaged. Thirdly, all correctly formatted data deposited on ORTOLANG will be sent to the CINES (National Computer Center for Higher Education) starting in 2021. Its French archiving service then processes the data and provides very long-term security in compliance with the law.
Finally, it will be possible to retrieve data in the future as required. This process of retrieving data could be coordinated by the different people who deposited the resources or by the laboratories concerned if the same people are no longer available to work on the data. All ORTOLANG deposits can be fully downloaded and archived by its contributors who have access to all data, including protected data. This facilitates data retrieval and transfer.