Each resource deposited on ORTOLANG has a persistent identifier using the Handle (https://handle.net/) system, which provides unique and persistent identifiers for digital resources. Regardless of the future location of the resource, its different versions will always be accessible using the URL of its persistent identifier.
Dynamic persistent identifier
The dynamic persistent identifier will always link to the last published version of the resource. The dynamic perennial identifier includes the handle.net domain name, the 5-digit ORTOLANG prefix on the Handle system and the alias of the resource.
The resource alias is specific to each resource. It is composed only of numbers, lowercase unaccented letters, and dashes. It is generated automatically or manually at the time of resource creation, and cannot be modified afterwards. It contains a maximum of 25 characters.
Static persistent identifier
The static persistent identifier will link to a specific version of the resource, identified by its version number. The static persistent identifier includes the handle.net domain name, the 5-digit ORTOLANG prefix on the Handle system, the resource alias and the resource version number.